Sunday, September 02, 2007

What lessons life teaches us..There have been so many instances when the reality has been thrown back at my face, and i fail to acknowledge it. But i truly beleive in one thing..."I never and would never ever regret anything that i've done in life." Everything has taught me to feel and appreciate the vagaries and the nuances to which we unkowingly always concede. One thing is for sure..I'll always treasure those nuances, those oblivious moments which have meant so much to me and still do.

But as days go by, I realize that those nothings which i value so much, are the ones which always dissapoint me and just seem to be meaningless and forms of mistakes for the other protagonists. I wanna thank those who've helped me realize this each day that" do not value all those nothings, all those snippets of life..they were never meant to be "....And i just hate to acknowledge that!!


Blogger VAV said...

Well thats great to hear Tanns But do u that certain coincidents or facts, or Faults in ur words make a lot of diffrence in someones life and it sometimes so happen that even if u try and forget all of them and live ur life happilyit is quite frustruating and demolishing for the goals of ur own life.
But sometimes when u try and live for the sake of lt and not comment on anything of that sort then people will come to know that its somethings that really matter,and at that point of tinme not even a single person would be able to make u understand the meaning if ur own life......My perception

9:58 PM  

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