Monday, July 28, 2008

The Lost Trust

It’s raining heavily outside. Seems like the dreadful 26th July has postponed itself. My trust doesn’t seem to hold good on the municipal authorities. An incident once occurred can definitely repeat itself.
Talking about trust, I often think of what it comprises of. What makes one trust anyone or anything, animate or inanimate? But trusting an inanimate thing has lower probability of you losing that trust on it. It’s not susceptible to changes in situations, moods or personalities. It can just prove you wrong because it obliterates or deteriorates, something which is not in its control.

But humans are special. When one has control, is one most susceptible to changes. It’s probably because whatever you do you can attribute a reason to it. Situations mould you rather than vice-versa which should be the case ideally. But it’s not an ideal world. We govern the laws of nature. We rule the world or so we think. We are free to influence, we are free to change, we are free to take things for granted and we are free to manipulate the trust that is placed on us.

There was a time when trust was indispensable in all transactions. Professional or personal, everything is still a deal. Trust and faith still holds some importance. But it’s losing its significance. It won’t be long before we are embedded with microprocessors proving our identity because trust will itself become obsolete and we won’t have anything else to trust rather than something as inanimate as technology.


Blogger Timber Da Wolf said...

Change is a known constant in any living being.. So lay your hopes of trust on characteristics and don't get ahead of yourself with expectations...

Losing trust is as good as ending your hopes for a good life...

An open hand is more likely to shake with another open hand rather then a closed fist

You lose some or you lose em all... What difference does it make.. if you apply the law of averages your chances for a win seem to be getting better :)

12:53 PM  
Blogger Saikat said...

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9:32 PM  
Blogger Saikat said...

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9:49 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Accidentally hit upon your profile. Before pressing the back button, 'Ayn Rand' caught my eyes.... and from there I came to this blog.
Seems you also loved 'Fountain head' just a little too much - just like me......
I could see that in your postings. I got many a answers to my own few behaviours after reading that epic. And I loved myself more. Silly book - isn't it -that tells you to become selfish and stand by your ideas. Come on..we ought to become like 'Toohey' and not 'Roark' - It is a world of 2nd handers... How strong are you??

9:55 PM  

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